Study the Support Measurements at the Process of Oilseeds Production in Kermanshah Province



Targeting group of products through existing techniques such as comparative advantage is an essential step on agricultural development track. In this study comparative advantage and protection indices for Sunshade and Canola have been calculated for Kermanshah province by using policy analysis matrix (PAM) for crop year of 2007-2008. Results coming out of comparative advantage index (DRC) for oilseed production showed that Kermanshah province has comparative advantage in producing sunshade rather than canola. Examination of index attributed to nominal protection crop (NPC) showed that market prices of oilseeds are higher than their shadow prices comparatively and government policies have led the prices of these products to be set at higher place than marginal price under shadow exchange rate. This Indicates an indirect subsidy allocated to producers of oilseeds in the province. Analysis resulted by index of nominal protection inputs (NPI) for oilseed production process indicates that the farmers have been supported for tradable inputs. Therefore increase ongoing of effective support to canola, expansion of acreage for canola and continuation and increase of price support policy for sunshade in the province are suggested.


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