Evaluating agricultural sustainability of Fars province with compromise programming approach



In this study, agricultural sustainability of selected cities of Fars province evaluated with using the model of agricultural sustainability and compromise programming method. In this regard, data were collected from various sources such as Fars province organization of agricultural Jahad and Fars Regional Water Authority in 1385. As the results, cities of the province were classified into three groups, sustainable (including Kazerun, Lamerd, Mamasani and Abadeh cities), relatively sustainable group (including Lar, Eghlid, Firozabad, Fasa, Darab and Arsenjan cities) and unsustainable group (including Marvdasht, Estahban, Shiraz and Jahrom cities). These results indicate that sustainable group with features including groundwater balance, more diversity in crops and low percentage of lands of these cities has 1% organic matter. Furthermore, high nitrate concentration in groundwater, more negative balance of groundwater, less using of efficient irrigation systems, and over using of pesticides and chemical fertilizers are the remarkable features of unsustainable groups.


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