Place of Iran in Export of Fennel: The Export Comparative Advantage Approach



The paper aims to examine the place of Iran in the export of fennel among ten major exporting countries. For this purpose, RCA, RSCA, MI, X2, CTB indices were calculated. Needed information for calculating indices was gathered from FAO sources. Afghanistan, Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Germany, India, Iran, Singapore, Turkey and Syria were selected for comparison. Based on RCA and RSCA indices, Iran stands in the seventh and sixth position in the export of fennel respectively. On the whole, the results of the other indices showed that Iran had comparative advantage in the export of fennel. But due to existence of variation in these indices, it`s possible to improve present situation by persuading appropriate policies. Thus it is recommended to recognize and introduce target markets for fennel at international level and support production, processing, marketing and export of fennel


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