Study of Marketing and Export Problems of Dates in Khozestan Province



This article aims to examine issues in marketing and export of dates in Khozestan province as one of the most important date producing areas in the country. To this end, marketing margins, share of marketing agents, marketing costs and various efficiency indices for five varieties of dates (Kbkab, Gantar, Estameran, Bereim and Zahedi) were calculated. Also, marketing margin functions by using models of mark-up, relative margin and marketing cost were estimated. Needed data were collected from a sample of 240 farmers and marketing agents. Results showed that the highest technical efficiency was related to Astmran variety (67%) and lowest were related to Kabkab (13%). Price efficiency for various date varieties were too high. Function estimation results indicated that marketing margins in the mark-up and relative margin models had direct relationship with retail price and marketing margin in the marketing cost model had direct relationship with marketing cost . The results showed that covariance between export price and quantities were equal to 0.046 which indicated the existence of fluctuations in product demand which causes instability in export earnings. Based on the findings of the study, formation of marketing cooperatives and more efficient extension services has been recommended


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