Estimation of Chahnimeh Recreational Value: Application of Contingent Valuation Method



This paper aims to measure recreational value and willingness to pay for Chahnimeh recreational site which is located in Zabol in Sistan and Baloochestan province. For this purpose, contingent valuation method was used. Also, logit model was estimated to find out factors affecting willingness to pay of people who visited Chaahnimeh. Data were collected from a sample of 142 visitors through filling up questionnaires and interview in spring of 2011. Results showed that 93% of visitors were willing to pay for visiting Chahnimeh. Also, coefficients of proposed amount, income, gender, and occupation, number of visits and interest to maintain Chahnimeh environment were significant at 5% level. The average willingness to pay for each visit was 3,920 Rials and annual recreational value was 1.568 billion Rials. Number of annual visits had negative effect on the amount of willingness to pay. Finally, some recommendations are made to improve present situation


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