Study of Iranian pistachio export market Situation



The aim of this study was to study Iranian pistachio export market situation. In addition, its comparative advantage among major pistachio exporting countries was studied during 1990-2006 period. Revealed comperative advatage, revealed symmetric comperative advantage , and herfindal indices were utilized to determine comparative advantage. Results of the study indicated that Iran, Germany, Hong Kong, and Netherlands had comparative advantage, while Italy and China did not have comparative advantage in pistachio export market. Iran’s relative comparative advantage in pistachios grew until 1995, and then decreased until the end of period under study. In order to reach a stable state in relative comparative advantage, the government should facilitate its pistachio export by helping exporters and improve package quality. Results of specializing indices in pistachio exports showed that USA, Germany, Hong Kong, Netherlands, Italy, and China were overspecialized and close to world pattern while there is a need for Iran to improve in this respect.


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