Application of Fuzzy Logic in Raisins Rating



The rating is very important for the marketing of agricultural products, but high costs, lack of uniformity and contradictions associated with this rating are caused problems. For this reason, researchers have tried to introduce an automatic way to solve these problems. The main goal of the study was apply fuzzy set based on product rating and compare it with the raisins that were assessed by experts. In order to rate raisins, fuzzy logic was used as decision support system. The qualitative features such as color, size and raisins defects were measured. With the help of experts as well as fuzzy system design, the rating was done. The results of the fuzzy scores were 30-100. The range of scores for the good class was 80-93, for the middle class was, 60-80 and for the lowest quality was 33-60. The results of the study showed that fuzzy scoring was 80 percent close to experts rating. It was concluded that this approach could simplify and automate the raisins rating.


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