Factors Affecting Visitors Willingness to Pay in Sardabeh Recreation Zone in Ardebil Province



The objective of this study is to determine the optimal model for investment in dairy plants in all provinces of the country under uncertainty conditions during 1380 to 1387. To this end, first, the effective indicators on the final goal and their weights according to viewpoints and experiences of experts were determined. Then, in order to overecome the ambiguities and inaccuracy in judgments of experts and lack of data and information the Interval Logic (special case of Fuzzy Logic) was used. Since the type of decision making in this study was based on several indicators, therefore, Interval TOPSIS technique was employed. Optimal investment and percentages for each province in the construction of dairy plants based on uncertainty in values of indicators and their weights were determined. The results showed that the current pattern of investment in the construction of dairy industries in all provinces of the country was not optimal. It was recommended that in order to eliminate the gap between the current and optimal investment, future investment should be directed to provinces with lower level of investment.


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