Determining Efficiency of Irrigation Water use in Gharehgom Basin with Emphasis on Weighted Restrictions



Due to significance of increasing efficiency in water use in this study, by using the CCR and BCC models, the relative efficiency of decision-making units of Gharehghom Basin, in Khorasan razavi province was determined. Irrigation water use efficiency based on the value judgments of decision-making units was investigated by BCC model with weighted restrictions. Results showed that, the performance of units in CCR and BCC models with non-weighted restriction were significantly lower. Most decision-making units were efficient, based on BCC model with weighted restriction. The target inputs and outputs were determined for inefficient decision-making units. The results of the study indicated that implementing suitable price policy for water, training and extension services could be helpful in improving efficiency of decision- making units under study. JEL Classification : C02, Q25


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