Measuring Development Level in Rural Region of Sistan and Balouchestan Province



This study aims at ranking rural regionsin Sistan and Baloochestan province based on development criteria using Maslow pyramid based and multidimensional indices approaches. The Maslow pyramid based indices include basic, safety, belonging and respect needs. The indices in multidimensional approach are demographic, sanitation, health, communication, education, recreational facilities, income, food and welfare. The dataset comes from province 1387 census. The findings showed that there was no considerable difference between ranks developed by two approaches. In general, based on the Maslow pyramid approach a monotonousness was found among the Sistan rural regions only in the case of basic needs while there was a big difference among them in higher level needs. Results of the multidimensional indices approach showed that there was a considerable difference among regions in communication, public and recreational facilities, economical, food and welfare indices. Based on both of the approaches, rural regions of Sarbaz and Kenarak were less developed while Zabol, Khash and Zahak were more developed regions
