Determination of Optimal Cropping Pattern: Application of Possiblistic Programming



Imprecise or fuzziness is a main characteristic of agriculture activities data, thus fuzzy logic based methods may be useful in production planning. Possiblistic programming as one of fuzzy logic based methods was applied in this study. In addition, in the framework of multi objective programming, fuzzy and deterministic programming was also considered. Applied data set was obtained from 100 randomly selected farmers of Kohgilooye and Boyerahmad province in 1378. Gross margin increment and reduction of risk were considered as objectives in developing optimal cropping pattern. Fuzzy logic was also used to choose from the different cropping patterns. Based on the results it was found that risk had high weight in developing optimal solution. Findings of the study showed that Possiblistic programming was more capable in reaching various goals simultaneously as compared to the other methods especially when farmers faced with undesirable conditions. It was also found that wheat, watermelon, melon and rice were more appropriate crops for production.


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