Optimum Dept of Agricultural Wells in Bojnord Plain



In this study, nonlinear mathematical programming approach was applied for determination of optimal depth of agricultural wells with objectives of decreasing excavation and pumping costs determination optimal depth of wells. Data was collected from 380 agricultural wells in Bojnord plain. The results showed that lifting water from wells is justified with excavation of wells to the altitude of 205 meters. Well discharge and pump altitude was quantified respectively 29 liter on second and 228 meters with excavation of well to until depth of 205 meters. However, optimal cultivation under area determinate for each crop with objective attaining to water required in agriculture due to excavation of present wells. According to finding of the study, determination optimal depth of agricultural wells and continued control on quantity of lifting water is emphasized for preservation of groundwater resources. It is suggested, this strategy in addition to optimizing water use could provide clear perspective for the future planning.


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