Determine of kind of Efficiency for Canola Producers in Sari Province



Efficiency survey of agricultural productivity is important and effective factor for increasing producer’s production and yield without extra costs. In this paper, technical, economic, allocative and scale efficiencies is estimated for Canola producer in Sari. It also has been estimated optimal amount of inputs for achieve to maximum efficiency. This article was on the base of Data Envelopment Analysis method and data for these analyses is collected by 161 questioners in 1387-88. The results indicated that mean of technical, allocative, economic and scale efficiency was 80/7, 58, 46/5, and 13/77 respectively. Maximum of undesirable use of inputs is related to pesticides with inefficiency 49/39 percent. Minimum of it are related to seed and machinery. According to the results, by using programs that increase agricultural allocative efficiency such as expending terms to learn how must be used these inputs and government support can be increased production and decreased costs without changing technology level and amount of inputs usage.

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