Study of Tomato Processing Efficiency in Fars Province



One of the most important industries in the agricultural sector of
Iran is tomato processing industry. This industry also is important in Fars
Province. The objective was to study efficiency of firms in Fars province.
Data Envelopment Analysis was used for analyzing efficiency. Result
showed that by using 97801 million Rials of capital, 909 man per year of
labor, 56814 square meter of building and 225492 square meters of land
that respectively were 61.42%, 36.05%, 42.73% and 57.71% less than
current condition of using these resources,164 thousands tons of tomato
paste could be produced that was 1.66% greater than current production.
This is possible by technical changes and use of full capacity of tomato
paste industries. In this context, extending credit, subsidy and price
support for tomato and tomato paste producers are suggested. Design of
new tomato paste firms and corresponding costs could be analyzed by
using the approach proposed in this study. 


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