Application of The Multi-Objective Programming in Determining Optimal Cropping Pattern in Marvdasht Region with Emphasis on Water Constraint



The objective of this study was to develop a risk-based cropping
pattern for Marvdasht district in Fars province. In addition, lowering
water consumption was also considered. To achieve objectives of the
study, Multi-Objective Programming approach was applied. The
mentioned objectives were followed by considering the farmers
preferences to reach a certain level of income. The Target MOTAD and
Income Variance models were used. Desired solutions were selected
using Cluster Analysis since several solutions were obtained by Income
Variance model. The selection was carried out based on integrated
criterion containing three goals, namely, reduced amount of water usage,
reduced risk, and increased gross margin. The results showed that there
was a trade off among the goals. In selected patterns wheat tended to
increase by increasing risk. The selected patterns had more cultivated
area under wheat and lesser under barely, maize and vegetables. The
cultivated area under broad beans was remained unchanged compare to
current pattern. It was also revealed that with increasing risk, the gap
between the existing and optimal cropping patterns would increase. 


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