Analyzing Poverty Determinants and Welfare Changes Among Rural Households of Sistan District



The objective of this study was to investigate the poverty determinants and welfare changes among rural households of Sistan district (Zabol township) over 1376-1383period. To achieve the objective of study, data from Household Expenditure Survey was applied. Total net per capita expenditure of households was regarded as welfare criterion in poverty determinants investigation. Household head characteristics, age combination of the children and squared household size were applied as poverty determinants. The results showed that the age of household head, age combination of children and squared household size were among the determinants of poverty in rural Zabol. The findings revealed that the share of poorpopulation decreased from over 60 percent in 1376 to about 33 percent in 1383. Investigation of welfare changes also showed a tendency of expenditure toward goods with lower necessity. A yearly growth of 2.21 percent was also found for per capita net expenditure


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