Effects of Globalization on Agricultural Export: Case Study of Saffron



The main objective of this paper was to study the globalization effect on saffron export. Regarding the relation among import, domestic supply and demand, a model including cropping area, yield, domestic demand, and export functions by using data set over 1359-83 (1980- 2004) was estimated. Integration of International Trade (IIT) was applied as a criterion to determine the effects of globalization. Based on simultaneous test, equations were found to be simultaneous. Considering the high share of Iran in supplying saffron to world market, indignity of world price of saffron was investigated. The results revealed that word price of saffron was not endogenous, i. e., despite the high share of Iran in word production of saffron, it has not play effective role in price formation. Based on the findings, it was revealed that increased convergence of Iran’s economy toward global economy, ceteris paribus, would affect saffron export considerably.


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