Study of Comparative Advantage in Production of Agricultural Crops in Fars Province and Marvdasht Township



The purpose of this paper is to study comparative advantage of
agricultural crops in Fars province and comparing it with Marvdasht
Township. For determining of comparative advantage of agricultural
crops, PAM matrix was used. Farm-level data were collected from a
sample of farms located in the Marvdasht area selected by a multi-stage
cluster sampling and appropriate questionnaires completed through
interviewing with farmers. The survey provided detailed information on
the production patterns, input use, crop production yields, constraints,
prices of the inputs and outputs, social and personality characteristics of
farmers. Needed data about world prices of crops and inputs, exchange
rate, domestic and world price indices obtained and complemented by
official statistics such as reports of annual agricultural statistics, annual
central bank ,annual trade and FAO statistics. Results of the study
indicated that Fars province had a comparative advantage in producing
barley, corn, watermelon, melon, onion, tomato, cotton, potato, beans,
peas, lentil and comparative disadvantage in producing wheat, rain fed
wheat, rice, cucumber and rain fed lentil. Also, Results of this study
indicated that Marvdasht township had comparative advantage in
producing wheat, rain fed barley, corn, watermelon, melon, onion,
tomato, potatoes, beans ,peas and comparative disadvantage in producing
rain fed wheat, rice, lentil and rain fed lentil


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