Effects of Agricultural Crop Insurance on Farmers' Risk Aversion and Income Distribution: A Case Study of Fars Province



In this paper, effects of agricultural risk management policies on
farmers' aversion to risk as well as their income distribution were discussed.
Then, by using the Gini coefficient, effects of current agricultural insurance
policies on farmers' income distribution were evaluated. Also, agricultural
crop insurance demand function and farmers' aversion toward risk were
estimated by using the Goodwin model and ELCE method, respectively.
Data were collected by interview with 170 farmers in Fasa region of Fars
province. The sample was selected by using a stratified random sampling
method. Results of the study revealed that, agricultural crop insurance had
positive effect on income distribution and caused farmers degree of risk
aversion to be reduced. Also, area under wheat cultivation, ratio of
indemnity payment to insurance premium, farmers' age, and level of
education, experience and land ownership had positive effect on demand for
agricultural insurance.


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