Assessing the Impact of Reducing Irrigation Water and Increasing its Price on Cropping Pattern by Positive Mathematical Programming Model: A Case Study of Eghlid in Fars Province



In addressing water crisis, most countries are focusing on the
management of water demand instead of water supply. In dry and semi-dry
areas of Iran such as Fars province, water is an important factor in economic
development and major input in agricultural production. The purpose of this
study is to assess impacts of different policies for decreasing of applied
water for irrigation and increasing water price on cropping patterns .Data
were gathered from a stratified random sample by personal interviews of
Aspas and Bakan's farmers in Eghlid region which used both surface and
ground water. PMP model and CES production function was applied for
both areas. The findings showed that the scenarios of 10% decrease in
applied water and doubling of irrigation water price did not significantly
change optimal cropping pattern compared with the base year cropping.


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