Impacts of Government Supporting Policies on Wheat Supply, Cropping Area and Yield in Iran: Application of Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model



In this study impacts of government intervention on supply,
yield and cropping area of wheat was investigated using nominal
protection rate. The data set applied in the study was obtained from
different sources such Ministry of Statistical Yearbook and FAO
website for period of 1353-1384. After testing data stationary and
calculating the nominal protection rate, the impact of supporting
policies was studied using ARDL approach and Nerlove model. The
results of the study showed that nominal protection rate was negative
during the study period, indicating that not only wheat producers were
implicitly taxed. The negative support tends to decrease slowly during
the period . Wheat real price did not show considerable impact on
wheat supply in the short run. While in the long run wheat real price,
technological change and cropping area revealed a positive impact on
wheat supply. The results also showed that while nominal protection
rate had no impact on cropping area , it is affected by lagged cropping


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