Evaluation of Global Economic Productivity Shocks on Iran's Agricultural Production: Application of Multiregioal Computable General Equilibrium



    Generally, countries with higher productivity have greater share of world trade. The Growth of agriculture as a basis for achieving development goals is imperative in developing countries and considering the importance of agriculture in Iran and also has connections with other sectors of the economy can have a significant impact on the economy. In this regard, this paper examines the impact of global productivity shocks in selected regions (Shanghai Group countries) on the agricultures sector applying computable general equilibrium model. Data obtained from 2007 Social Accounting Matrix and GTAP8 data base. The results showed that increase of 3 and 7 percent in productivity of Shanghai Group industry sectors increased the Iranian agricultural sector production by 0.048 and 0.12 percent respectively. Thus, the positive changes of productivity due to spillover effect of technology in Shanghai Group countries could influence all sectors including agriculture.


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