Determining the Optimal Planting Crops with Emphasis on Maximizing Social Benefits and Net Imports of Virtual Water (Plains Study Bahar of Hamedan)



    Hamedan-Bahar plain is located in the semi-arid climate. Since cultivating development and replacing of crops with high water requirement lead to create negative balance the plains, for prevention of negative consequences of the crisis cultivating limitation of crops with high water requirement in critical plains and increasing of agricultural crops importing considering virtual water must be so necessary. In this study using a descriptive-document-library and mathematical model to determine the optimal pattern in the 5 cultivation of crops economic and industrial value Bahar plains Hamedan with an emphasis on virtual water trade and social net benefits were investigated. The results indicated that the optimal cropping pattern in the plains amount of 71 thousand hectares of wheat only important. Continuing to increase water use efficiency, the products were classified in terms of time cultivated. It was clear by the end of the crop wheat, potato with high water productivity it should be replacement. Finally according to the HSJ model was determined that the optimal pattern with a minimum of the area under export crops and minimize the under cultivation barley has the highest virtual water imports and in this model only the wheat crop is cultivated.


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