Irrigation Management Transfer Approach and Its Impact on Managerial Performance Indicators in Aghili Irrigation Network



    The purpose of this paper was to investigate the impact of managerial reform and existing social context on the performance of Aghili irrigation network in Khuzestan province. The qualitative research methods were used for analyzing the method of institutional reform used in the program. Data of six managerial performance indicators gathered from 89 farmers of Aghili irrigation network through 2005-2015. The impact of institutional reform and social context of irrigation network on the operation of irrigation system was analyzed by General linear model multivariate (GLM MV). The results revealed that institutional reform deviated to economic reform and contractive activities instead of rehabilitation and strengthening of water utilization system. The water user association (WUA) performance showed that farmer's water contracts, on time and equally delivery of water to the farmers have improved but water sufficiency, repair and maintenance of irrigation network didn't change and farmers were dissatisfied with WUA's services.


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