Determining Optimal Input and Size of Poultry Farms in Kerman City



 This paper aims to determine technical efficiency, profit, optimal size of input and capacity of poultry farms in Kerman city. To this end, stochastic frontier analysis was used. Data were obtained by a random sample of  70 broiler producers. The results indicated that the mean technical efficiency of units was 78.5 percent and using feed and chicken inputs by producers were inefficient. This indicates that by filling up the gap between more and less efficient producers, production could be increased by 21.5 percent without any change in technology and level of inputs. In addition, mean profit efficiency of units was 45 percent which showed the low level profit and efficiency of producers. The inefficiency could decrease by increasing the number of workers, feed and chicks. Optimal number of chicks, amount of feed, number of veterinary services, and fuel consumption estimated were 16568 units, 63340 kg, 4 people, and 987 liters, respectively.


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