Relationship between Financial Ratios and Share Prices of Agricultural Industries in Stock Exchange of Iran



    This paper aims to explain the relationship between financial ratios and stock prices of food, sugar, and agricultural machineryindustries incompanies listed on the stock exchange. For this purpose, the data from 1378 to 1388 for selected companies collected. Financial variables, including relative profitability (return on assets and return on equity), financial leverage (debt ratio) and share pricewere used for analysis. The results showed that the reaction of stock prices to return on assets, leverage ratio and the ratio of equity capital are positive .The effect of one unit does not affect momentum in the debt ratio in the first period but after the fourth round is effective. Profitability and return on assets ratios in the early period of transition was not significant. The results also suggest that the stock price reaction to return on assets, leverage ratio and the ratio of equity capital is positive. The effect of a single impulse does not affect the financial ratios in the first period but after the ascending order is effective. The results also showed that in analyzing stock price reaction, other factors such as economic variables and analysis of the companysituation shouldbe considered.


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