Surveying Strategies to Develop Competitive Strength of Iran’s Carpet Industry



    The current paper with the purpose of identifying and prioritizing hand-made carpet industry was done in a society include 67 INCC chairmen and experts. After reviewing on strength, weaknesses, opportunities and treatments, some strategies were formulated and then ranked by 3 techniques: fuzzy ANP, fuzzy TOPSIS and QSPM. Utilizing brain storming technique critical success factors were identified. “creating suitable tools and instrument for applying information technology for marketing and advertising to extend marketing and advertising activities in global markets”, making exporters and businessmen more familiar to new marketing techniques like international marketing, export, ecommerce and internet marketing to maintain market share” and “increasing marketing, advertising and internet marketing researches activities to maintain market share” were chosen as the top strategies by all three techniques. Finally by defining carpet industry objectives and applying AHP technique, these three techniques (QSPM, fuzzy TOPSIS and fuzzy ANP) were compare together in which fuzzy ANP was the best and the most suitable technique to prioritize strategies.


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