Assessment of Government Supportive Policies for Pistachio Producers during Economic Development Programs in Iranian Provinces

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor at the University of Tehran

2 Graduate of agricultural economics of university of Tehran

3 university of tehran


    This study to evaluate agricultural support policies in two forms budgetary and market supports from pistachio producers in the provinces of Iran during economic development Programs. In this study from total to ingredient procedure and data on five of the countrys economic development programs in order to evaluate distributional effects of support policies of pistachio producers in different provinces were used. The results of this study showed that the average budgetary supports in all provinces during economic development programs were positive and for fars, golestan and qom provinces have the highest value that indicate the more support and utilization of production subsidy inputs by mentioned provinces. Therefore the distribution and optimal allocation of budgetary supports in the countrys provinces can increase productivity of production subsidy inputs and thus it enhances the competitiveness power of pistachio producers on a global level. On the other hand, the average of market supports during this programs in all provinces is negative which indicates the lake of support in all the provinces of pistachio producers in the face of foreign competition and paying taxes were hidden by the pistachio producers.


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