Ranking of Agricultural Production using Decision Making Approach Fuzzy multi-attribute : Case Study of West Azarbayjan

Document Type : Research Paper



Iran's West Azerbaijan province has been become to superior pole of
the agriculture and it is producing about 6 percent of the country's
agricultural production and is the first province in the term of agricultural
production in the country. The ultimate aim of the present research is to
make a framework for evaluation and ranking of agricultural products
according to the possible indicators for each product using multi-criteria
decision techniques by fuzzy approach and its examination in a case
study in order to optimize the production of agricultural products.
Therefore we have selected two agricultural areas of Mahabad and
Miandoab in the south of West Azerbaijan province. Ranking technique
based on similarity to ideal solution with fuzzy approach rankings has
been known as the best method of multiple-criteria fuzzy decision
technique. It sounds that this technique is one of the most useful methods
in term of the ranking of agricultural products according to priority;
although of regional planners have used different methods to prioritize
agricultural products.


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