Integrate Environmental and Economic Objectives for Agricultural Uses in Determining Optimal Cropping Pattern; Case Study: Beiza plain Fars province

Document Type : Research Paper



Today, agriculture is an economic activity which has an important role in the GDP, by providing the food security of each country’s people. On the other hand environmental side effects, agricultural activities can have along with. Many of economic analyzes without having ecological concerns emphasize the increasing economic welfare of farmers. In this study, using goal programming model considering economic and environmental goals the Beiza Plain of Fars Province optimal cultivation pattern was set. Statistical data from a sample of 100 producers in the region, which randomly selected at 2011-2012 crop year and Additional information from Agricultural Organization Sepidan was collected. The results showed that in the goal programming model, tomatoes and bean omitted from the model, onion and corn entered in the model. Rice accounted most acreage area with 11940.1 hectare. In addition, the consumption of water, fertilizers and pesticides compared to current conditions declined. According to the findings, with considering the environmental goals, increasing profits and productivity of resources under current conditions is possible.
