Application of Choice Experiment in Determining the Value of Natural Functions of Zarivar Lake

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. Student, Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Iran.

2 Assistant Professor, Agricultural Economics Department, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, Iran.


Economic valuation could be a useful tool for better use and
management of wetland resources. Zarivar wetland is one of the unique
freshwater wetlands in the world. Despite the valuable functions of the
wetland and the location of it, in recent years because of the inattentions,
this wetland has been in critical conditions. The purpose of this study is
to estimate the Marivan citizen’s willingness to pay using choice
experiment. In this regard, data and information needed to complete the
questionnaire were collected through interviews with 120 citizens of this
city. Results of the estimation of conditional Logit model and calculation
of willingness to pay showed that the highest marginal willingness to pay
is for recreational-tourism facilities and in the absolute improvement is
(822.4 thousand Rls). People willing to pay 115.77 and 130.40 thousands
Rls annually for improving fish condition of the wetland from present
situation to relative and absolute improvement, respectively; to change
the states of recreational and tourism facilities to relative improvement
117.93 thousands Rls annually; to switch wells uses to relative and
absolute improvement 825.16 and 767.50 thousands Rls annually
respectively; to change the state of pollution of wetland to relative and
absolute improvement 309.58 and 813.72 thousands Rls annually
respectively and to change the forest uses to relative and absolute
improvement 746.85 and 801.13 thousands Rls annually respectively.


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