Analysis of Price Transmission in Market of Marine and Farmed fish in North of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



 One of the marketing inefficiency indexes of Iran fisheries is fluctuation and instability of prices and high marketing margin of some products in this market. So, considering population growth and increasing demand for healthy food, investigating market of these products for finding solution to improve marketing and helping development in this section is necessary. So, this paper investigate impact of price transmission on market margin of products such as north fishes (white, mullet, common kilka, tofu, bream, perch and carp) and farmed fishes(grass carp, big head, silver carp, carp, trout and farmed shrimp) during 2004 to 2014. Results show short and long term asymmetry in price transmission of white, Common Kilka, north carp, grass carp, south silver carp and shrimp. Trout just has short term asymmetry of price transmission. So, market brokers increase market margin by asymmetrical transferring of marketing costs and price of some products from wholesaling to the retailing and taking benefit by this way.


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