Indigenous Pattern of Market Development of Organic Products in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper



Nowadays, most of the management scholars have come to this conclusion that many of the old marketing principles could no longer be applied to the future. Therefore, managers of some companies are trying to improve their performance by considering environmental standards for company strategies. For this reason, given the important role of agriculture in providing food, organic farming is considered to be one of the most important alternative farming systems. The main objective of this paper is to investigate the components of organic market orientation in order to develop a model for market orientation of organic products according to the indigenous conditions of Iran. The research method is a mixed type and in fact a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. This article first explores the views, different models of market orientation, market orientation factors and the impact of market orientation on business performance, then studied the causal relationships between internal and external factors affecting market orientation with two cultural and behavioral approaches  Using exploratory interviews of managers of organic manufacturing companies and structural equation modeling have proposed and tested a conceptual model and decision maker to explain the causal relationships affecting business performance. The results of correlation coefficient and t-score scores showed a significant correlation between external and internal factors and market orientation scores. Also, the results showed that market orientation has a positive and significant effect on the performance of enterprises producing organic products


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