Tourism Recreational Value of Environmental and Tourism Resources: Case Study of Ganjnameh Zone in Hamedan Province

Document Type : Research Paper



    Economic valuation of environmental resources that in addition of turism application, having historical value, is a great part of economic studies. Economic valuation is necessary for non-market services and environmental resources. The main purpose of this study is estimating the recreation value of Ganjnameh tourist zone located in Hamedan province by using individual travel cost method on the basis of household production function. Needed data were gathered by completing of queationaires and interviewing with 160 visitors of the Ganjnameh zone at 2014.  The results showed that the variables of travel time, distance and costs of travel were effective factors on production of recreation cost and recreation marginal cost. With the assumption of competitive conditions recreation value was 2876702 Rials per day (shadow price of recreation). Also, the results showed that demand for recreation had negative relationship with the shadow price of recreation and positive relationship with visitor monthly income. Furthermore, visitor’s willingness to pay (WTP) in Ganjname tourist zone had significant and positive relationship with quality of the environment, education level, age and marriage status of visitor. So, increasing environmental quality and preparing facilities in Ganjnameh by private sector investing would increase environmental and recreation value of Ganjnameh zone.


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