Determining the demand elasticity of selection food product in Mazandaran province by using Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) Case study: Hen, Aquatic and Beef Meat v

Document Type : Research Paper


1 دانش آموخته‌ دکتری اقتصاد کشاورزی از دانشگاه زابل.

2 استادیار اقتصاد کشاورزی دانشگاه زابل.


Choose the reasonable and effective decisions in the field of regulation of agricultural product needs to be aware of the coefficient of price and cross elasticity of demand function. In this study, demand system of meat product included hen, beef and aquatic meat estimated in the form of almost ideal demand system (aids) during the period of 1987-2011. According to the results of research, aquatic meat demand was High-sensitive and hen meat demand was constant sensitivity. Hen and beef meat have income elasticity between zero and on and aquatic meat with Income elasticity greater than one, is luxury product. Also in the period under study, according to cross elasticity of demand estimated, all three types of meat products are considered substitute. Due to the low coefficient of cross elasticity of demand for all types of meat (Meat elasticity of Aquatic-Hen 0.2, Meat elasticity of Beef-Hen 0.21 and Meat elasticity of Beef - Aquatic 0.33), Should not be expected to change in the price of meat, altered significantly other meat demand.


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