Evaluation of effective factors on adherence to improved cultivars of irrigated wheat By Farmers in Hamedan city

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economic, Social and Extension Research Department, Hamedan Agricultural and Natural ResourcesResearch and Education Center, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Hamedan, Iran.

2 استادیار اقتصاد کشاورزی دانشگاه سیستان و بلوچستان، زاهدان، ایران.

3 دانشجوی دکتری دانشگاه فردوسی مشهد


The purpose of this study is to evaluate technical, social and protective effects on the probability of adherence to irrigated wheat cultivars by farmers in Hamedan city. In this study, various factors have been grouped into four indicators having been measured for each beneficiary by using analytic hierarchy process and fitted using a logit model to obtain the relationships between variables. Information needed for this study was collected through the survey and classification sampling. Questionnaires were completed by 153 beneficiaries in Hamadan city in 2015. The results of this study indicated that innovation and technical information, and extension services have the greatest and least impact on possibility of application of modified irrigated wheat cultivars by farmer, respectively. However, government support services ranked the second and farm features and beneficiaries` characteristics ranked the third and fourth, respectively.


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