Presentation of Social Media Based Marketing Model in Iranian Food Products and Organic Drinks Industry Using theme Analysis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Kish University

2 University of Sout Tehran

3 Tarbiat Modares University


The purpose of this study was to present a social media-based marketing model for organic food and beverages in Iran. In the qualitative section, with a review of the research background, the semantic concepts and burdens associated with marketing organic products in general as well as social media were extracted through the thematic analysis method. In addition, in order to elicit the opinions of social media experts and organic products, interviews were conducted with 12 people with experience and expertise in producing and selling organic food products in Iran and social media experts. Snowball shooting was selected. Finally six main themes are: "Infrastructure", "Stimulants", "Facilitators", "Obstacles and Challenges", "Mediators" and "Consequences" and 18 sub-themes and 114 codes and 574 key concepts were identified, and at the end a comprehensive social media marketing model for organic products is presented.


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