The effect of exchange rate Volatilitys on exports of Iranian food industry (panel data approach)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tarbiat Modares University

2 Assistant Professor

3 null


Developing the export of industrial goods as one of the strategies for economic development is a major determinant for the provision of foreign exchange earnings. One of the factors affecting exports, exchange rate and the risk of unexpected volatility is the study of the effect of exchange rate Volatility on exports of Iranian food industry as a supplementary chain of the agricultural chain during the period of 2001-2015 using the panel data approach. The ARDL panel technique has been used to examine the effect of exchange rate Volatility on the export of food industry. The results of the study showed that the exchange rate Volatility in the long run with a coefficient of 96/6 had a negative effect on the export of food industry. It is recommended that monetary and fiscal instruments be used to assure exporters' exchange rate risk.


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