factors affecting on agricultural land use change in the Dezful County

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Master student of Agricultural Economics, University of Tabriz, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Tabriz, Iran.


Agricultural land use change caused reducing the employment and food security and increase migration phenomena also. On the other hand, intensification of land use would require huge investments in land improvements to restore fertility of the land. Therefore, conducting investigations on factors affecting land use change seems necessary. This study examines effecting factors on agricultural land use change in the Dezful County. Data for this study was collected through field study by conducting a questionnaire among 205 agricultural exploiters of Dezful County during 2014-2015 crop year applying stratified sampling. To achieve there search’s goal, the logit regression models are applied. The results show that variables like age, family dimension and the space of farm-land have a significant and positive impact while variables like: number family members employed in agriculture, lands distance from the downtown, the land rent, farmers' attitude toward preservation of agricultural land use, considering agriculture as the main occupation and finally quality and fertility of the lands have shown the significant and negative impact on agricultural land use change.


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