Estimation of Demand Function for Rice An application of the threshold regression model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Agriculture and Food Policies Research Department, Agricultural Planning, Economic and Rural Development Research Institute (APERDRI). Tehran.

2 Assistant Professor, Accounting and Economics Faculty, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University.

3 Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics.


Rice is one of the most important and strategic cereal in human consumption. Because of population growth and instability in rice price, household’s rice demand subject is important. This study investigate the effect of price and income changes on rice consumption in different level (threshold level) of income. This paper uses time series data from 1991-2014 and two regime threshold regression model. This paper with exploring nonlinearity in the rice demand structure shows that income elasticity for the income level less than 15 Million Rial is positive and negatively significant income elasticity for the income level greater than 15. Results of price elasticity shows that it is constant to -0.25 for all income level. This paper suggests the use of threshold regression may be necessary in situation of changing demand structure.


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