Survey of Integration and Spatial Correlation Price of Sugar Beet in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Economics, University of Shahid Beheshti, Tehran. Iran.

2 Master student of Economics, University of Shahid Beheshti. Tehran, Iran.


Aim of this paper is measuring of spatial correlation and integration of sugar beet price for main providences. For this aim, data of sugar beet price for 1989-2015 and spatial econometric method is used to determination correlation coefficient and TAR to determine integration. Results reveal that, spatial correlation of price is exited in all of years and there is price integration between providences when Khorasan is the main providence which has the most industries. As our results, we offered that policy makers operated price and non price policies in Khorasan and improve system of market information.


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  10. Study of Integration and Spatial Correlation Price of Sugar Beet in
  11. Iran Vida Varahrami* 22, Maryam Hamedi nasab 23