The Effect of Financial Market and FDI upon Economic Growth of Agricultural Sector: GMM Approach

Document Type : Research Paper



This study seeks to investigate the effect of financial market and FDI on Economic Growth of Agricultural Sector in some Developed and Developing Countries through GMM approach in 1984-2011. Hence eight patterns of economic growth, for each country group, were specified that half of them are related to the capital market and the other half are for Money Market. The results show that, financial market development, in general, has a positive effect on Economic Growth of Agricultural Sector. But this relationship in developing counties, in comparison with developed countries, is not considerable. Also in both country group, FDI, has strengthened the economic growth of agricultural sector, but in developing countries this relationship is weaker. On the other hand results show that in developing countries the impact of financial market development & FDI on economic growth of agricultural sector is, mainly achieved through money market while in developed countries it is of the capital market. Since, according to the results, the development condition of financial market in developing countries is not so good, and this is the one of the major cause of the weak relationship between financial indicators and the economic growth of the agricultural sector, It is possible to improve the condition of financial market and economic growth, through the implement of some policies, such as, reducing government intervention in financial markets, facilitating the Entry of privet sector in economic, Enhancing investment security, providing proper guarantees for investors and Financial Transparency.
