Economic Study of Possiblity of Improvement of Air Quality in Arak Metropolis

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Agricultural Economics, Ardakan University.

2 M.Sc. Student of Agricultural Economics, Ardakan University

3 Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Ardakan University.


Air pollution is one of the dimensions of environmental pollution. Arak is the industrial hub in the country. The purpose of this study is to estimate the value of improvement of air quality in Arak metropolitan area. In the present study, conditional valuation method has been used for the value of clean air and the cost of installing a municipal air purifier. Distribution of 547 questionnaires by simple random sampling has been completed in spring and summer of 1396 in Arak city and the Logit model has been used. The willingness to pay each person to improve the air quality was 190969 Rials per month and was estimated to be 126950 Rials per month for installing an air purifier. The total value of Arak for improving the air in this region is 150,829 million Rials per year, and the total value of Arak for the installation of urban air purification plant is 1002888 million Rials per year. according to this, investments from policy makers in order to improve the air quality looks necessary.


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