Comparison of the impact of the Triple dimensions (Economic, Social and Political) of Globalization indicators on Environmental degradation in Iran using KOF index

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor and Faculty Member of the Department of Economics, Faculty Economics and Management, Islamic Azad university of shiraz Branch, Iran.

2 Ph.D. Student in Natural Resources and Environmental Economics, School of Agriculture, Shiraz University


This study was Comparison and investigated the impact of the Triple dimensions (Economic, Social and Political) of Globalization indicators on Environmental degradation in Iran for the period 1981-2015 and in the framework of Johansen -Juselius co integration model (VECM).For this purpose, KOF index has been used as a global variable. The results showed that from Triple dimensions of Globalization indicators, the economic and political dimensions of globalization increases Environmental degradation but the social dimension of globalization, due to increased awareness of the people about the danger of environmental degradation in Iran during the period under review. It is suggested that the policy makers, In order to benefit from the achievements of the globalization process, through the establishment of the necessary institutions and capacities, policy makers will provide the conditions for the development of clean technologies, the creation of comparative advantage in the clean industries and the limitation of highly polluting industries to minimize the negative consequences of global competition on environmental sustainability


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