Determining Potential of Production and Employment of Activity field Beekeeping in Kerman Province

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Agricultural Economics-Kerman Shahid Bahonar University

2 teacher

3 M.Sc. Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman

4 Professor of Agricultural Economics,Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman.


Since the agricultural sector of Kerman province, especially in the field of native activities and legacy jobs, is of great importance in the province's economy, the capacity of Beekeeping production and employment has been studied. Using IO schedule and linear programming as a research method showed that there is a possibility to increase production and employment. Thus, production of 104,402 million rials of this activity in honey, in a five-year horizon, up to 15.9 percent, the employment rate of marginal demand components in urban and rural consumption to 15.6 percent, private consumption 15.2 percent, investment16 percent, government consumption 13.1 percent, and end exports 16 percent could grow. Also, due to the limitations of marginal expenditures of economic sectors, the province's value added as a function of the target reached an optimal 2 percent growth, the higher capacity of production and employment in the program was justified by shadow prices. Therefore, policy-making, attention and investment in honey production will bring significant economic and social benefits.


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