Categorizing the Drivers of Consumer Acceptance of SMS Advertising by Fuzzy Topsis Technique (Case Study: Agriculture Bank(

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran branch, Young researchers' and elite club, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Industrial Management, FirouzKooh Branch, Islamic Azad University, FirouzKooh, Iran.


The current study with the purpose of identifying and categorizing the driving factors influencing on consumers’ acceptance of SMS advertising was accomplished in a society include 259 customer of Agriculture Bank in Tehran. The results of using structural equation model show that Financial Rewards, Credibility, Perceived Social Utility, Control, Perceived Utility and Context Utility affect significantly on SMS advertising acceptance which creditability, finance rewards and control were the most important ones. Continuously by applying fuzzy Topsis technique, 22 sub criteria were categorized that “permission to sending SMS”, “delivering SMS match private needs” and “encourage to more usage of mobile phone and pay attention to SMS” with approximate weights 0.624, 0.471 and 0.448 were selected as the most important sub criteria. Finally, by using AHP technique, 3 criteria of advertising acceptance were ranked which “positive attitude about advertising” (0.37) was the most and “tending to accepting advertising by SMS” (0.31) was the least important ones. Attending to the results, managers are advised to send related SMS in terms of customers’ needs and desires.


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