Effect of Household Characteristics on Food Demand of Iranian Rural and Urban Households

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural, University of Tabriz.

2 Associate Professors of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Agricultural, University of Tabriz.


The aim of this study is evaluate the effect of household characteristics on demand for major food groups that make the urban and rural household food basket in Iran. For this purpose, we was used the raw data of Statistical Center of Iran as. Then pseudo-panel data was made using cross-sectional household survey data as average of total observation on each province as cohort during 1384-93. Finally, household demand were estimated with QUAIDS model and household characteristics and location variables estimated separately for rural and urban areas of Iran. Results indicate that food demand pattern is different in urban and rural. Also the effect of household characteristics and regional variables on food group's demand in rural and urban areas shows that householder education, household size, age, gender and region of residence have a significant effect on demand. So in implementation of any policy that aimed improving household food security should be based on regional and availability of food and household characteristics.


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