Assessment of the effect of climate change on the production of horticultural products with a randomized production approach, Case Study: Date product

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student in Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sistan and Baluchestan University

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Agricultural Economics, Faculty of Economics and Management, Sistan and Baluchestan University.


The most effective climatic variables were identified using Fayoucan's optimization algorithm. In order to test the effect of climate variables on yield and date risk, for each of these areas, the random production function Jost and pop was estimated. The results of temperature and precipitation indexes were for hot and humid regions (0.45 and 0.66), and hot and dry regions (3.04 and 0.18), which indicate regional impact. Annual climate change has caused bad weather for farmers. Annual temperature changes and irregular rainfall changes over the past years, as well as climate change and warming in the future, could lead to serious dangers in reducing crop yields in agriculture. Regarding the unforeseen changes in temperature and precipitation in warm, dry, warm and humid areas, it is recommended that, in order to reduce the risk of yield for dates in the areas, such methods as the use of tolerant cultivars of dates in comparison with temperature and rainfall changes in the regions are recommended.


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