Investigating the consumers’ preference and behavior for dairy products based on the nested structure in Sari, Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, IRAN

2 PhD student of Agricultural Economics, Sari Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources University, IRAN


Due to the importance of production and consumption of milk and dairy products, this study with purpose of investigation the consumers’ preferences and its affecting factors have been done as the nested logit model in the Sari city in 2018. Sample size was selected based on simple random sampling method and 275 questionnaires have been collected. The results show that yogurt, milk and cheese have the most preferences among the dairy products and consumers have more tendencies to low fat dairy products than full fat. The study results of affecting factors on selecting of each the diverse dairy products and individual preferences revealed that price and family cost decrease the probability of dairy products choosing and age, education and attention to sport variables increase its probability. Marketing mix variables (p4) were also considered as factors influencing the selection of dairy products. Marketing managers, especially in dairy market by using of these results can improve their products based on consumers tend and preferences.


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