The impact of energy prices index on food prices index: Application of Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Model

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Associate Professor of of Agricultural Economics, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan. Iran.

2 Professor of Agricultural Economics, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan. Iran.

3 Master of Science of Agricultural Economics, Bu Ali Sina University, Hamedan. Iran.


Increasing the price of energy carriers, due to their contribution to production costs, directly affects the production price index of different sectors of the economy and reduces the welfare of the society. The rising trend of global prices for energy and food suppliers in recent years has made economists interested in examining the relationship between these two variables. In this study the effects of energy prices on the food price index was investigated by using of Atou-Regressive Distributed Lag model at the years of 1980- 2016. Also, the error correction term, ECM (-1) was estimated in the estimated model of 0.76, which indicates that in e The results showed that in the long run, with the rise in the price of energy carriers and because of the manufacturer's alignment with the rise in the price of energy carriers and the effect of other sub-sectors that have been affected by this rise in prices, and they affect the amount of production, the price of food increases dramatically.


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